At this session, there was the opportunity to shape the future plans for the development of House of Annetta.....we asked ourselves...Is there a ‘land narrative’ which connects the dots and can help with organising against the housing system, and in solidarity with other interconnected struggles? Can we share physical or narrative spaces? London already has its networks, and a history of land activism, so we wanted to start building on what is already there.

housing conversations with
shared asse

In September we worked with Shared Assets to hold a session land and housing movement building, to make plans to create shared strategy, and ultimately collective power. This was part of a larger piece of work being coordinated by Shared Assets looking at how the movement for UK land justice can bring together diverse groups of people across many areas of work (e.g. housing, climate, food, migration, racial justice) into an ecology which provides mutual support and resourcing, and channels power in order to shift land and other intersecting systems, whilst also respecting different values and tactics.

We hope to continue this workshop throughout the year, holding space to figure out potential alignment in visions, values, strategy and tactics. If this is something you wish to attend, collaborate or facilitate please get in touch by emailing house of annetta team. :)