The Archive and Press

✎ princelet editions

Annetta Pedretti founded the press in 1981 “to develop forms of writing and publication for including the observer as a writer and performer”. She printed books from the building, as well as taking printing equipment with her to American Society of Cybernetics and Systeemgroep Nederland Conferences, where she published experimental books based on live conversations, as well as a conference-opera “Youtopia”. Annetta performed princelet editions at the Frankfurt Bookfair, wearing books in “Anzug” and “Stand Gehend” (1989). Annetta had planned to set up a journal, Mind You. We would like to start an imprint of ‘living books’ continuing her process-led approach to cybernetic publishing.

✎ Flag/Cuts and Video

In 1991, Annetta initiated a project asking “What would a Flag for A Multi-Cultural Society look like?”. She developed an interactive process, working with local residents in an installation at Spitalfields Market, to cut, divide, sew and rejoin fabric, creating a flag that was representative of the many hands who produced it.
Annetta’s video works include “The Wars of the Observer” (20 min), “Writing” (40 hours), “Pointing” (3 hours), “Horizon/Horizon” (28 hours) and “Object-Constancy” (3 weeks sampled into 3 hours).

✎ Second Floor Community Arts Press

Together with feminist printmaking collective slow + dirty, we operate a low-cost open-access risograph press at House of Annetta, with a solidarity fund for campaign printing. We have facilities for poster and zine making, open for use by any group working around spatial justice. Through the solidarity pot we have supported the printing of anti-gentrification posters, and a pamphlet about the book The Colonial Lives of Property. To get in touch about using the press, or if you have any printing supplies you would like to rehome, please write to

✎ Monthly Newsletter, The Rag

We publish a monthly newsletter to share conversations between all the groups who use House of Annetta. As well as a calendar of upcoming events, we include reflections, learnings, offers + requests.

You can download past issues here:
[Issue 00 - June 2024] pdf
[Issue 01 - July 2024] pdf
[Issue 02 - August 2024] pdf
[Issue 03 - September 2024] pdf
[Issue 04 - October 2024] pdf
[Issue 05 - November 2024] pdf
[Issue 06 - December 2024] pdf
⍈ Next issue of the Rag will be released April 2025.

A selection of books from Annetta’s princelet editions.
Annetta wearing her books to the Frankfurt bookfair 
The second floor is open and hosts the community press.

Students visiting the press and learning to use the Risogrpah machine, 2025.
Where Mother Goddesses Go to Die, zine printed by Left Book Club with Slow + Dirty, 2024.